VIII T. Internac. Memorial Ramon Escudeiro Tilve

Pontevedra, from 2019-12-28 to 2019-12-28
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: FA Rodrigo Cubero Ferreiro (ID-2209683)
Rate of play: 15 minutes + 5 seconds per move
Live games

Player information

Players and standings for Xadrez Dorna

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. DirE Buc2 BucT Cmlt APRO FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
23 40 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel ESP 5.5 0.0 38.0 44.5 27.0 1624.7 1641 0 2282461 0 Xadrez Dorna
48 52 Otero Dios, Alberto ESP 4.0 0.0 37.0 43.5 20.0 1596.1 1425 0 24534536 0 Xadrez Dorna

Player pairings for Xadrez Dorna

Pairings of round 9 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 19:20)

Brd. White Res. Black
14 Lemos Vizcaya, Tomas 1769 ESP 0-1 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP
18 Carballo Noya, Miguel 1893 ESP 1-0 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP

Pairings of round 8 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 18:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
11 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP 0-1 Martinez Montes, Juan Manuel 1549 ESP
27 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP 1-0 Ibanez Cruces, Diego 1183 ESP

Pairings of round 7 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 17:40)

Brd. White Res. Black
14 Carballo Noya, Miguel 1893 ESP 0-1 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP
20 Lemos Vizcaya, Tomas 1769 ESP 1-0 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 16:50)

Brd. White Res. Black
22 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP 1-0 Garcia Martinez, Belarmino 1229 ESP
28 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP 1-0 Rocha Gonzalez, Olivier 1176 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 16:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
13 FM Sanchez Aller, Fernando 2415 ESP 1-0 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP
17 De Sousa Da Silva, Armando 1944 POR 1-0 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 13:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
11 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP ½-½ Ferreno Sanmartin, Angel 1861 ESP
27 Rodriguez Calvo, Miriam 1184 ESP 0-1 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 12:40)

Brd. White Res. Black
16 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP 0-1 Gonzalez Carro, Victor 1792 ESP
28 Rocha Acuna, David 1192 ESP 0-1 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 11:50)

Brd. White Res. Black
14 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP 0-1 De Sousa Da Silva, Armando 1944 POR
28 Entenza Lamelas, Hector 1129 ESP 0-1 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for Xadrez Dorna (2019-12-28 - 11:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
5 Otero Dios, Alberto 1425 ESP 0-1 FM Pazos Porta, Antonio 2404 ESP
37 Martinez Martinez, Adrian 0 ESP 0-1 Chaves Otero , Carlos Miguel 1641 ESP